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An Introduction to Godly Play (in person)

Andrea Harrison Andrea Harrison Eona Bell Eona Bell
Time: to
Location: The Cotton Hall, Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 0PN

The day comprises a full Godly Play session with an opportunity to reflect on some of the principles that undergird Godly Play, including a consideration of childhood spirituality. There will be time for participants to work with stories themselves, ask questions and hear a story from a different genre.

The session is suitable for children’s leaders and volunteers, teachers, clergy, chaplains and lay ministers or anyone interested in childhood spirituality.

Free parking available on the street or in the public car park in front of St Andrews Church. Bus number 5 runs from Cambridge city centre to Church Lane, Girton.

Tea and coffee will be served during the day but please bring your own packed lunch.

This introductory day is hosted by the Church of England Diocese of Ely – please book via their website

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