Christmas Resources

Peter Privett has adapted the Christmas Eve liturgy from The Complete Guide to Godly Play Volume 3 to use in our homes, or outside, or anywhere really.

Supporting primary pupils’ wellbeing in the pandemic – now updated with four more acts of worship added

Godly Play UK, in association with the Church Schools of Cambridge, is pleased to support the launch of a new, free resource.

Developed by teacher-researcher Elisabeth Sutcliffe, this draws on a Godly Play style and process. Its approach helps to create a different atmosphere within the classroom that provides for reflection as a class and individually. Using story, wondering and imaginative response time, pupils’ spiritual wellbeing is given focus and value.

This offers teachers accessible, simple-to-follow material that requires almost no additional resources.

And it offers pupils (of all faiths and none) space to wonder and respond to Covid-19 pandemic challenges and opportunities.

A short guidance video is included, alongside four acts of worship (more to be released soon).

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